We hope you will enjoy seeing what we get up to in our lessons and day to day school life. Check our class page regularly for the latest photos and information.
Useful Information
PE days are Tuesdays and Fridays.
Children must come dressed in their full PE kit as we will be outdoors as much as possible when appropriate.
Spelling test will be every Friday and times table tests will be every Tuesday.
Spellings are practiced every day in school but as much support with this at home would be appreciated (Spellings found in our Spelling section but are sent home termly)
Times tables are practiced daily in school and if they could be encouraged at home this would be brilliant and enable your child to grasp a good understanding of these essential number facts.
Reading books changed weekly on a Monday
Please ensure your child’s book is returned so we are able to change it on a Monday. Children read every day, this could be during quiet reading time, as a whole class in a guided reading session or individually with a member of staff. Please support your child to read as much as possible. We are encouraging a love of reading with our themed reading areas every term as well as taking part in our 100 book challenge.
Our curriculum is creative and varied. We plan our year with a range of exciting, challenging activities around our topic for each term. Please see the attached documents below to find out what’s in store this year.
A knowledge organiser is a one page document, that contains all key facts, information and vocabulary that your children are required to have to obtain a basic knowledge and understanding of a topic being covered. We make knowledge organisers for our main focus topic and science each term.
Please click on the documents below to access the appropriate knowledge organisers for your child.
In this area, you will find the Spelling units covered in Year 3. These units will be added here as the children cover the spelling pattern throughout the school year. Red and Blue group spellings will be uploaded every half term, yellow group will be added weekly.
Please note that if your child scores less than 20% , the test will be taken again the following week.
Useful Tips
Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check
This is a strategy used to help children learn their spellings.
Your child is given a word to spell and:
- looks at it
- says the word
- covers it over with a piece of paper or their hand
- writes the spelling again next to the word
- uncovers the spelling to check if they have got it right.
This is a good method to teach children so that they practise learning the spellings of words, but also so that they are testing themselves.
Below is a Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check template to use.
We know that you know reading is incredibly important so we make reading not just part of our every day life here at Christ Church, but we also make it pleasurable. Here are some of the benefits that exploring books and building a reading habit can bring:
- Students who read for pleasure make significantly more progress in vocabulary, spelling and maths than children who read very little.
- Reading for pleasure has many non-literacy benefits and can increase empathy, improve relationships with others, reduce the symptoms of depression and improve wellbeing throughout life.
- Reading for pleasure has social benefits as well and can make people feel more connected to the wider community. Reading increases a person’s understanding of their own identity, improves empathy and gives them an insight into the world view of others.
- Students with more positive attitudes towards reading are more likely to read at or above the expected level for their age.
- There is a strong association between the amount of reading for pleasure students say they do and their reading achievement.